Here is three of the many documents from the american archives about the immigrants in USA,clearly is written "Nationality" and "Race" - "Macedonian".
Slaveikov on the Makedonists

Even the leader of the Bulgarian national revival in Constantinople, Petko RaÌev Slavejkov, in early January 1871 publicly admitted that he had heard this ideology “as early as some ten years ago from some people in Macedonia”, which had now grown into “a thought that many would like to put into effect”. He confirmed that he had “many times” heard from “the Macedonists that they were not Bulgarians but Macedonians, descendants of ancient Macedonias.They are complete Macedonians¼ they are pure Slavs, and the Bulgarians are Tartars and who knows what”. These “Macedonists” boldly declared before him: “We broke
Taken from: ,Makedonskíàt ï và pr osï “, Makedoníò, oe , 3, 18.á.1871, 2.

(Taken from
The National Geographic Magazine
This is the edition of "The National Geographic Magazine" from May,1917.
On the page 388 is written:
“Neither Bulgar nor Serb,” said one such old woman, defiantly, when we left the Monastir road at Dobraveni. “I am Macedonian only and I am sick of war.”
On the page 388 is written:
“Neither Bulgar nor Serb,” said one such old woman, defiantly, when we left the Monastir road at Dobraveni. “I am Macedonian only and I am sick of war.”
Macedonians in newspaper from 1826.
In edition of "The Oriental Herald And Journal Of General Literature" from the year 1826 is written something about the Macedonians...
Leopold I,and the Macedonians.

April 26th, 1690
Letter of protection from Leopold I. ...This is to inform you that two Macedonians, Marko Kraida born in Kosana and Dimitri Georgi Popovic, born in Macedonia Salonika, have told us that the Macedonian people, with respect for our most righteous task, with devotion and zeal towards our service....we graciously accept them under our imperial and royal mercy and in any case and way the above mantioned Macedonian people, cordially recommending to each and all of our willing commanders not to attack the Macedonian people....Issued in Vienna, April 26th, 1690.Representatives: defenders of the Macedonian people....
J. Radonic, Prilozi za istoriju Srba u Ungarskoj u XVI, XVII and XVIII veku. Knj. I, Matice srpske, nbr 25 and 26, Novi Sad 1908, p. 52- 53.
What the old maps says about the Macedonians?!?
Here is few maps in which is clearly showed that the Macedonians are not Bulgarians,Greeks or Serbs and that the Macedonian nation was always exist!
Thay ware Macedonians.
Here is also few pictures which shows that before more than 100 year,was live peoples which was call themselves Macedonians...
Is written "Macedonian from village Berovo Malesh 1897"
What do we call a nation?
On this document from 1875 is written...
What do we call a nation? – People who are of the same origin and who speak the same words and who live and make friends of each other, who have the same customs and songs and entertainment are what we call a nation, and the place where that people lives is called the people's country. Thus the Macedonians also are a nation and the place which is theirs is called Macedonia.
What do we call a nation? – People who are of the same origin and who speak the same words and who live and make friends of each other, who have the same customs and songs and entertainment are what we call a nation, and the place where that people lives is called the people's country. Thus the Macedonians also are a nation and the place which is theirs is called Macedonia.
A Balkan Freebooter, 1916.
Macedonians found in the book "A Balkan Freebooter" from the year 1913!
Taken from the book “A Balkan Freebooter” by Jan Gordon written in 1916...
Taken from the book “A Balkan Freebooter” by Jan Gordon written in 1916...
Title page.
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